Wednesday, January 30, 2008

call me amazed...

or not so bright.

Is it just me, or is anyone else shocked at the ease you can find the answer to your question via the magic that is GOOGLE? Just now, because my curiosity finally won over, I googled "AT&T commercial with monkey" to find out who sings the song, and BAM! Amos Lee, "Sweet Pea". Sweet pea, apple of my eye....

Last night I googled "macbook envelope commercial song", and BAM! "New Soul" by Yael Naïm. The internet rocks! I had to add "song" to the search, because believe it or not, when you just google "macbook envelope commercial", the song does not immediately show up in the results list. Go figure.

The other thing I think is really cool? All the other people out there doing there doing exactly the same thing as me. Googling not to find out more about the product, but to find out who sings the songs in the commercial. Do you think the product developers and ad execs intended on that??

And PS, Honey googled the HP commercial last year to find out who sung the Picturebook song for me, and bought me the Kinks cd. It really is the little things in life that make me happy.


Unknown said...

You just answered at least 3 of my questions! Now I must go visit itunes and do some downloading!

Tanya said...

when my computer goes bonkers I always google the subject of my problem best as I can describe it and it almost always has someone who has written about (and usually has a solution to) my problem.
Also fun to google the names of your colleagues or in my case, parents at my kids' school! Yup, I'm a nosy rosy!

The Weathered Pane said...

Yes, it is the little things in life that make us the happiest.