Our street has essentially turned into a one-lane road, and the snow is so high in our yard, Porter can walk across the fence. Can, and has.
Adam's on the phone with his sister, and apparently she shares the same joy in seeing a dumptruck full of snow as I do. Why am I so amused by the sight of a dumptruck full of snow? Who knows. But I always get a kick out of it.
We bundled Ellis up & took her out for her first real taste of snow. She'd been in snow before, but only from the car to the house, and vice versa. I think we may have had more fun with it than she did, although we'll just blame it on the fact that she didn't have much mobility in her snow pants & coat. Think Randy in the Christmas Story.
I'm sure she'll thank us for these photos someday :)
i love that you're keeping up with your blog Tracy!! i love seeing how sweet baby Ellis is growing! And playing in all that snow...ah, it brings back so many memories from when my babies were small playing in the snow. hmmm....do i miss the snow....let me think.....NO. but i sure do enjoy your pics :) miss you!
Wow, I thought we had it bad in Chicago. Now I feel like a whining sissy.
hahaha! thats too funny.
She looks so cute in the snow! Sorry I missed you in anchor town, but I might not have left the house for over a week during that last cold snap! Now its raining! Hope you two are doing good. Love to see the pics and posts!
Girl, that is a gorgeous color but much too dark for inside my closet. I want something airier.
speaking of gorgeous, how bout that little angel you gave birth to? What a doll. I could spend an entire afternoon smooching those cheeks.
She is so painfully cute it hurts my ovaries! Dammit! Babies in snow clothes are so bad for my decision not to spwan. Her little pink jacket is making my biological clock tick.
Anyway, you have a wonderful blog. I really enjoyed reading your posts!
oooooh, beautiful baby in snow! so funny and so cute and lively! mad my day.
Snug as a bug ...in a snowdrift ! That's going to be one of her all-time favourite photos when she grows up .
hi again! post again soon, please! some cute baby photos would be just the thing.
Hey Tracy! Don't tell anyone but I haven't made my felt ornaments yet either! Of course I won't let that keep me from purchasing more craft kits! The pillow was put out by Bethany Lowe and I don't think you can find them anymore. Sorry! Jen
and here i complain about the chicago weather!!
darling little girl!!
She'll either thank you or point to the last one as evidence that you left her stranded in the snow! Cute pictures.
That last one is awesome =)
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