Then last night I heard him click-clicking down the hallway (I am a very light sleeper when it comes to pets causing a raucous in the middle of the night) & I fully expected him to nudge his nose into my face to be let out. Instead, he plopped down on the floor at the foot of the bed. So I go back to sleep. Until he decides to hop into bed. And do circles until he finds just the right spot. But, wait! It's not the right spot! So he must get up, do some more circles, and then plop down again. And these aren't dainty little plops, mind you. And then get up, do some more circles, and then lay down halfway across my body with his back-end way too close to my head.
And then our bed clearly wasn't good enough for him, feather bed & all, because he got up & continued to pace back & forth from our room to the living room FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT. Click-click, click-click, click-click. Needless to say, I did not get a good nights sleep. I wish I knew why our perfectly good furniture is all of a sudden not good enough for our DOG to sleep in.
Oh, Doodles, it's a good thing you're so damn cute.....
PS ~ Adam & I both told our co-workers about Porter's strange activity, and consensus seems to be that we had a bear in our yard.
He is a funny dog! And certainly does love sleeping on our bed..... Glad you're sounding happier today.
if you are as light of a sleeper as i am get ready to never sleep again. lol. or at least for about 2-3 years.
and yikes!!! hello a bear!?
Crikey, a bear? wow.
Your dog is a real cutie.
Funny dog!
Yikes, a bear????? Sheesh....
He is so adorable. I think he is sending secret messages to my cat, who has suddenly taken to the same sort of behavior.
How are you? I have not seen a new post so I am worried. Do let us know how you are! Come on over to my blog, we are having a party!
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