Pink has never been a prevelant color in my home, but now that we're having the baby-girl, it seems to be showing up a bit more :) Below are a few of my favorite pink items, some old, some new.

Too cute pink shoes from my
mom. I think she's been enjoying shopping for her granddaughter ~ what do you think?

This gorgeous bib, handmade by the fabulous Manda at
Treefall, couldn't be more perfect. I've been coveting one of Manda's bibs since I first saw them but was holding off purchasing one until we knew the sex of the baby. Then I found out, if you wait long enough, and you have a mother who knows you love Manda's creations, she will buy one for you :) Thanks mom!

These dried rosebuds were given to me by my friend Nicole as a completely random just-saw-them-and-thought-of-you gifts. Aren't those the best kind of gifts? The rosebuds used to hang in my walk-in closet in our old apartment, but they now add a perfect, delicate touch to my bathroom. I've had them for years, and never grow tired of looking at them.

Who doesn't love beautiful teacups? The first one mom bought for me for my bridal shower, which had a garden-tea-party theme. The second teacup I've had for years & years, and I'm sad to say, I can't remember where it came from. The third teacup, not quite visible in the photo, was from my sister-in-law Michelle (assuming she & by brother ever set a wedding date!). She bought if for me after Adam & I had gotten into a
huge fight a few years back, and knew I was extremely distrought over this particular argument. She dropped the teacup off for me, just because. It's wonderful to have such sweet & thoughtful people in my life.
you better come up with aname quick if you want your sign to come by way of jersalem. lol. just kidding. i can make one with a word on it instead if you want too.
Yes, the bib was adorable; almost too pretty to use! Maybe just use it as a piece of clothing; an accessory :)
I am lovin' the pink! And I am so glad you got one of Manda's bibs, I almost ordered you one but then the practical side of me kicked in - it is too pretty to use! lol!
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