At 32, I have a husband who loves me, and more importantly, gets me. I am close with my family, I have a house, food, heat, and a dog to cuddle when I'm feeling overwhelmed. With any luck, this next time next year we'll have a baby in the house, and I can't wait for that day.
Birthdays are as much a "new year" as the actual New Year holiday, and I have a feeling this is going to be a really good year.

I don't know exactly what the rules are for this award, although I think I'm supposed to nominate someone else, or multiple others. Anyone that I would nominate has already been, so today I give this award to all the wonderful bloggers I read. It has truly opened up a whole new world for me. The encouragement & kindness from strangers, a glimpse into their lives (who cried yesterday when they read Audrey had passed away, or last week when they saw Manda's ultrasound photo?), knowing I'm not alone in all the crazy things I feel (see any of Heather's posts from 2004 except that I don't have a kid) ~ it all makes me try to be a better person, the person I know I can be. The person (I fear) my husband thinks he married. A well-adjusted, non-neurotic, happy, person. And I'm not looking for coddling in any of this, it's just my truth & how I feel on most days. So, here's to my New Year!
No, no "do overs" are allowed. But we do get to learn how to live a better and more fullfilled life through our frustrations and those little mistakes that seem to be high as a mountain sometimes. As you get older, and wiser, you'll find it easier to not be so perfect and it becomes easier to let go. I hope you had a good birthday. I love you. mom
Happy Birthday to you Tracy! I have absolutely loved my 30's and actually look forward to my 40's as well. I hope your day was wonderful.
Happy Birthday! I'll be 32 in a month. I agree and think that 32 will be a much better year. I'm glad you have a good relationship with your mom. That's a blessing.
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