My e-bay packages started to arrive yesterday. Honey threatened to take away my computer, and I'm assuming, my internet access, along with it. But look how cute everything is!
The green sewing box is just as cute as its picture. Maybe cuter. Could I say 'cute' any more? Cute Cute Cute! There, now that that's out of my system!
(notice how in the previous craft room photos, I didn't show the messy closet? that wasn't an accident.)
This is the pincushion from mom, looking right at home next to all the lovely thread.
Monday, we got this wedding invitation from Adam's step-cousin Kara. We spent quite a bit of time with her at Adam's uncle Bobby's wedding last summer, and she's a total sweetheart. Tall, blonde, southern California, but completely unpretentious.
The invitation is by far the most elaborate, yet simple & sweet invitation I have ever received. I thought she probably had them done at a printers, but Honey, who works in a print shop & has become quite the paper connoisseur, believes they were printed on a home-printer & scorched by hand. The time that must have taken! And yes, the invitation came in the bottle.
Since today is very fall-like (who am I kidding, the entire month of July was fall-like), I turned off NPR & instead listened to "The Last Time I Saw Paris", a cd I purchased from Williams-Sonoma ages ago. I'm not sure they sell it any longer, but if you ever come across a copy, I highly recommend you snatch it up.
My favorite cd's tend to be soundtracks & collections like this (Pottery Barn also has some great ones), which I think is because I have the attention span of a 2 year old. Seriously. I swear to god, one time I was in mid-sentence with my co-worker James when I realized there was chocolate on the counter & I stopped to say ~ oooh, chocolate! ~ & proceeded to help myself to the chocolate. Has James let me forget this? Nooooo.
Today, Honey & I went home for lunch, and I had received another package. Honey again threatened to take away the computer. He said he'd ask me to choose between the wireless router & him, but he wasn't sure how I might respond. I said ~ oh, honey, of course I'd choose you! I can get internet at work! And luckily he thought I was being cute as was my intention, & didn't get grumpy.
Today's goodie is this really great fabric. I've been into toilles & variations thereof for the past year or so & am still searching for the perfect pattern. This one I do love, though, and king-Riley also approves. It is designed by Jennifer Paginelli of Sis Boom, so you can't really go wrong there. I think it's going to be curtains for my craft room as it's the closest fabric I've found to what I have pictured in my head.
And that's all the shopping photos you should see for a while because Honey may get a little testy if this trend continues!
Bookkeeping work ~ done.
Blogging ~ done.
August Country Living, here I come!
I love the jar of spools! Too cute. And the fabric, too, is beautiful. Can hardly wait to see the finished curtains.
I'm totally jealous of your Williams Sonoma cd. It sounds awesome. I love the PB cd's and have a few of them. They get heavy rotation around here.
Love all of your new treasures!
I think These would make great curtains but then again I have a wishes,Jennifer
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