Here is my darling Doodles, modeling a holiday apron made by the fabulous Jeanetta. It even has extra-long straps to accomodate my ever-growing waistline. I'm sure I enjoy wearing it more than he does. I believe he is saying ~ woman, what are you doing to me?!
As I'm sitting here giggling over these photos, Honey looked over my shoulder & said it's degrading to post a photo of Porter in an apron and asked if I could also post a photo with a toolbelt and a drill. Hmmmm.....
i think he looks possitively dashing. tll him real men wear aprons too!
I'm afraid I agree with Adam. He does look defeated! The only thing missing is some sparkling ribbon or jingle bells :)
Ask Adam if he'd rather you post a picture of Porter wearing an apron or a picture of Adam wearing an apron!
: )
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