I just ordered the last frazzle that Miss Jeanetta had in her etsy shop. My mom bought one & after seeing it in person, I knew I had to have one, too. Frazzle is just too cute & since I feel totally frazzled on most days (plus I've been obssessed with turquoise blues lately), it seemed the perfect addition to my crafting room. My crafting room that I drag all my tools & supplies out of & into the living room to work because I'd rather be in the same room as Honey. Plus, I love having things that my friends have created so as to inspire me to get off my butt & put some of my ideas in action. There are so many amazingly creative women out there, & I often feel I have nothing entirely special or unique to offer. One day my etsy shop will actually have something in it.....
Yeah, I drag all of my crafting stuff out of the studio/office because either a)the work table is covered in papers, bills and boxes OR I too want to be with my sweet man and in the middle of the family chaos. Or I just want to see the TV while I work...
I can hardly wait for Jeanettea to come up with some brothers and sisters for Frazzle! He is too darn cute for words. Did you buy her Live Love Laugh eggs....?????
yes I did buy them!
Shoot.... I even had them in in shopping cart but didn't get around to buying them as we went somewhere.... sadness...
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