Wednesday, May 30, 2007

something you should know about me

I am not capable of doing one thing at a time.
This would be me peeing, and rearranging my "fancy" soaps. Honey happened to be walking past & found this scene wildly amusing. Since he felt the need to document the occasion, I felt the need to share it with the world. All 3 of you dear readers now know that I am compelled to multi-task even while sitting on the toilet. Some people just take a magazine, but not me.
Anyone else do strange things in the powder room? Yes, I will call it a powder room as that sounds much more refined & lady-like than bathroom. Because clearly, I am the model of refinement when I pee with the door open, allow my husband to photograph me while peeing, and then post it on the internet. *sigh*


Unknown said...

Ok, that is the funniest thing ever! And yes I muti-task on the throne sometimes too. My greatest achievement? Nursing and peeing at the same time...Now there is talent!

Unknown said...

hmmm yall are weird i try not to linger that long. lol

tracy @mamacreates said...

I was hoping this would give someone a giggle this morning!

The Weathered Pane said...

Yes, I needed this laugh! But like Mike says..... we are of the same pod.... Anything I can reach is fair game in my bathroom! I will dust, sort through Longenberger baskets of stuff, put The Body Shop Body Butter on. Anything to while the time away!

Rosemary said...

Hi Tracy,
Very interesting that you would let your husband photograph you while peeing. A brave girl!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I know I really love the stamps sets too. They are so great.

Jen Kershner said...

Girl, you've got problems! But just so you know that you are in good company I will tell you that I hate going to the bathroom because I'm too busy doing other things so I would always umm, rush the process? So in order to avoid the problems that were becoming associated with my inability to just take the time to go to the bathroom I started keeping a word search book close by so that when I have my "alone time" I have something to do! So,now it's hard to say which of us is more messed up, huh?

Kimberly said...

Well now, this is quite amusing. I have a tiny apartment with two other girls (and whoever feels the need to sleep on our couch, air mattress, hammock...), and we share what is quite possibly the worlds tiniest bathroom. The upside is, you can dust practically the entire bathroom with a few sheets of toilet paper while doing your business. Multi-taskers unite!