One day ages ago, when Porter still drank from his puppy water bowl & not from the toilet where he leaves drippings on the toilet seat for me to sit on when I go pee for the hundredth time that day (and before I painted all of our trim white), I noticed something floating in Porter's water dish and HORROR! It appeared as though we had not only developed a mouse problem, but we had a mouse suicide on our hands. But wait! It was just one of Riley-cat or Mendy's toys, and it went from THE WORST THING EVER to being really quite funny. And you know I had to take a picture of it.

This photo of Honey & I at our friend Brady & Colleen's wedding last June is here for purely vain purposes.
I'm feeling pale & frumpy & hate hate hate my current haircut, and don't we look cute & happy in this photo? So relaxed.
I am definitely growing my hair back out.
what a great photo of the two of you! glad to see you are up and blogging again my dear, I've missed your posts.
And your hair looks really so cute right now, too.... but I know how it is when you're not so happy with your hairdo. It makes your world less than perfect and your days not so great. BUT, if it's any consolation to you.... as you get older.... (like 55!) it's a little to tolerate. And, yes, you and Adam look like a different couple all spruced up like that! What a great picture.
The mouse photo is hilarious! And, you do look happy, you two make a very lovely couple,
I cracked up out loud at the mouse situation. So funny!
Oh, that mouse photo was not too funny for me. I just noticed our box of Frosted Mini Wheats that we had in the basement has HOLES in the bag! EW! You know what that means, Mr. Mouse either helped himself to a snack before we fed him his last meal, or he has returned! EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
You guys do look adorable! Don't you just love it when you have a really great picture!
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